FS25 mods

Author: admin

Tip anywhere v 1.0

Tip anywhere v 1.0 Tip anywhere v 1.0 Tip anywhere v 1.0

This mod allows all players to tip and shovel loose fill types anywhere on the map, including on NPC and unowned land.
There are further settings in the general options page that allow bailers, tedders, windrowers, forage wagons and mowers to operate on unowned land.
Optional field work permissions are also applied during contract missions.


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Fruit Greenhouse v

Fruit Greenhouse v

This is the fruit greenhouse where you can produce olives, grapes, peas, spinach and bush beans without having to buy expensive machinery.
It is possible to transport the Olives, Grapes, Peas, Spinach and Green Beans as bulk goods and store them.

Information on the fruit greenhouse:

Construction costs: $12,500
Maintenance per day: $50
Fruits required: Water, Seeds, Fertilizer and Herbicide
Produced fruits: Olives, Grapes, Peas, Spinach and Green Beans
Capacity per fruit: 100,000L – 200,000L
Cycles per hour: 25
Cost per hour: $20
Category: Placeable – Factories – Greenhouses

* Fixed bug in moddesc – wrong text
* Fixed bug in fruit_greenhouse.xml
* Better support for modmaps

MTL Modding Team

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Stone Barn with Workshop v

Stone Barn with Workshop v

An old Stone Barn where the middle section has been rebuilt and renovated with plastered walls and a modern folding doors. This part of the building has a workshop where you can repair your equipment.
The other parts of the building is still in original condition and can be used as a storage for your equipment.

-All doors can be opened, including the one in the foolding door
-The lights on the outside turns on automatically
-Inside light on switch
-Workshop with full interior and a trigger
-Price: 180000$
-Daily upkeep: 80$/day

* Fixed the snow roof
* Reduced price and daily upkeep


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