FS25 mods

FS25 Buildings

Farming Simulator 25 building mods are a great way to add new structures to your virtual farm. These mods can include barns, sheds, greenhouses, and other types of buildings that can be used for storage, animal housing, or crop production. One of the most popular types of building mods for Farming Simulator 25 are barns and sheds.

Hemp Production System v 1.1

Hemp Production System v 1.1

The Hemp Production system is a comprehensive system designed around the growing and production of hemp and hemp related products.

1. Green House – Input: Water & Fertilizer.
Output: Hemp & Hemp Seeds.

2. Hemp Factory – Input: Hemp, Hemp Seeds, Water, Bottled Goat Milk, Flour, Honey & Oats.
Output: Hemp Oil, Hemp Fabric, Hemp Paper, Hemp Chocolate & Hemp Seed Cereal

3. Hemp Bakery – Input: Hemp, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Choclate, Flour, Oats, Honey & Bottled Goat Milk.
Output: Hemp Seed Bread, Hemp Cookies & Hemp Brownies.

4. Hemp Tailor – Input: Hemp Cloth.
Output: Hemp Clothes

All items are palletized for easy transport and sale at the included hemp selling stand.


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