FS25 mods

FS25 Misc

This category encompasses a diverse collection of mods that don’t neatly fit into other classifications. Discover a world of unexpected enhancements, ranging from decorative items and gameplay tweaks to entirely new features. From functional tools and utilities to purely aesthetic additions, these miscellaneous mods offer endless possibilities to customize and expand your Farming Simulator 25 experience.

More Milk v 1.0

More Milk v 1.0

This mod allows you to change in Farming Simulator 2025 (FS25) the milk liters that your farm with your animals produce per hour, this should work also with any animal that producing milk (cows + goats), also you have the opportunity to adjust the multiplier under game General Settings directly, just make sure that if you change any setting under the game settings menu then you have make a new save game to push the settings from the game into a file named moreMilk.xml that is being created under modSettings in your :/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/ game folder.

This mod does NOT working (for now) under multiplayer!

Download the mod, after downloading save the FS25_moreMilk.zip file into your mod folder under :/Documents\My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods direction.
Launch the game, and activate the mod.
Once you are inside the game, customize any of the More Milk settings as needed within the ESC -> Settings -> General Settings tab.


Download [96 KB]

Extended Selling System v 1.0

Extended Selling System v 1.0

This mod is an improved and expanded version of the FS22 Extended Owned Items.
With it, the selling price of your owned vehicles and equipment changes dynamically, making sales more realistic.

What’s changed compared to FS22?
1. Base price introduced – the selling price does not always increase or decrease; sometimes, it remains unchanged.
2. Time restriction – prices change only between 08:00 and 18:00.
3. Notification system – if a vehicle or equipment’s selling price increases by more than 20%, a notification will alert you that it might be a good time to sell.

How does it work?
The selling price can be base, profitable, or loss-making.
Loss: Can range from -2% to -25%.
Profit: Can range from +2% to +25%.
Prices refresh hourly within the specified time frame.

Compatible with the Real Vehicle Breakdowns mod.

Monitor prices and take advantage of the best selling opportunities!


Download [84 KB]

Follow Me v 1.0

Follow Me v 1.0 Follow Me v 1.0

Singleplayer only! PC/Mac only! Ever wanted to have some vehicles follow you around the map? With “Follow Me” you can (though not backwards driving).

– Use action ‘Initiate / Choose other’ (default: RIGHT CTRL + F) to select the vehicle to follow, and make sure it is visibly indicated on the screen.
– For selecting another vehicle to follow, if there are more in the vicinity, press the ‘Initiate / Choose other’ action again before the 3 seconds timeout.
– To stop following, press the ‘Stop AI Worker’ (default: H).
– To temporarily pause following use the ation ‘Pause/Resume’ (default: RIGHT CTRL + H).
– When in a vehicle, its own distance and side-offset to a leader can be modified using actions ‘Change distance’ (default: RIGHT CTRL + W/S) and ‘Change side offset’ (default: RIGHT CTRL + A/D).
– If vehicle was started with a turned on and active baleloader, forage wagon, stone picker or combine, there is possibility to specify what should happen when it becomes full, with the action ‘When Full: …’ (default: RIGHT CTRL + Y).

– When being in a vehicle that has followers, use action ‘Follower, Choose other’ (default: RIGHT SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL + F) to specify what follower is selected for further instructions.
– Use actions ‘Follower, Distance’ (default: RIGHT SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL + W/S) and ‘Follower, Side offset’ (default: RIGHT SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL + A/D) for changing the selected follower’s distance and side offset.
– Use actions ‘Follower, Pause/Resume’ (default: RIGHT SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL + H) or ‘Follower, When Full’ (default: RIGHT SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL + Y) for changing how the selected follower should react.

– It is possible to “place a marker on the trail”, that instructs followers to ignore their side offset, or use the opposite side offset. For that use the action ‘Marker for Switch side offset’ (default: RIGHT SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL + X).

– When a follower is instructed to drive ‘in front of’ a vehicle, i.e. the distance is negative, then collision detection is disabled for that follower.
– When using side-offsets do remember that followers are not able to ‘make 90-degree turns’ just like that. So do some experimentation and tries to learn how to make turns, depending on which side-offset the follower is set to.
– Different vehicles have different steering turn radius, so remember to consider the least capable follower when leading vehicle steers left or right.
– Different vehicles and their equipment have different driving speeds, so consider giving the slowest follower time to catch-up with the leading vehicle.


Download [137 KB]