FS25 mods

FS25 Misc

This category encompasses a diverse collection of mods that don’t neatly fit into other classifications. Discover a world of unexpected enhancements, ranging from decorative items and gameplay tweaks to entirely new features. From functional tools and utilities to purely aesthetic additions, these miscellaneous mods offer endless possibilities to customize and expand your Farming Simulator 25 experience.

Tip anywhere v 1.0

Tip anywhere v 1.0 Tip anywhere v 1.0 Tip anywhere v 1.0

This mod allows all players to tip and shovel loose fill types anywhere on the map, including on NPC and unowned land.
There are further settings in the general options page that allow bailers, tedders, windrowers, forage wagons and mowers to operate on unowned land.
Optional field work permissions are also applied during contract missions.


Download [78 KB]

Info Display Extension v 1.1

Info Display Extension v 1.1

A small mod to extend the displays.

Extends the Info Hud displays of
– silos
– Productions
– animal sheeds
– Manure heaps
– trees
– Vehicles and attachments
– Field growth
– Factories and event buildings
– Adds units of numbers where possible as not everything is in litres.

Version 1.1:
* Improved translations for DE and PL and new translations in PT and CS
* Show growth phase and maximum growth
* Lua bug fixed for trees in the last growth phase
* Vehicles now show shop category and current weight
* Added factories max. and progress indicator
* Event building displays extended
* Increased the standard entries displayed in the F1 menu (thanks to HoFFi)
* Manure heap not connected after game load bug fixed (fixes basegame bug until it is fixed in a patch)


Download [101 KB]