Acoustic tank warning when the fuel level is less than 20%.
It works for diesel, methane and electric engines.
You will receive an acoustic warning before your vehicle breaks down.
This category encompasses a diverse collection of mods that don’t neatly fit into other classifications. Discover a world of unexpected enhancements, ranging from decorative items and gameplay tweaks to entirely new features. From functional tools and utilities to purely aesthetic additions, these miscellaneous mods offer endless possibilities to customize and expand your Farming Simulator 25 experience.
Acoustic tank warning when the fuel level is less than 20%.
It works for diesel, methane and electric engines.
You will receive an acoustic warning before your vehicle breaks down.
A small mod to extend the displays.
Extends the Info Hud displays of:
– Silos
– Productions (incl. the display in the production menu)
– Animal sheeds
– Dung heaps
– Trees
– Vehicles and attachments
– Adds units of numbers where possible as not everything is in liters
* Lua error in calculations for self-planted trees corrected
* Corrected age calculation for trees
* Added translation corrections
* Turkish translations added
This mod allows unloading unfinished bales early.
The mod works for:
– Round balers (including poplar bio balers)
– Square balers (only when turned off)
– Round baler/wrapper combinations
– One-Chamber Cotton Harvesters
– Two-Chamber Cotton Harvesters and modded two-chamber balers
Hotkeys: O: Unloads unfinished bales or overloads the first chamber to the second one. Dependent on the type of baler, you need to turn the baler on or off for this to work.
* Fixed unloading and overloading for multiplayer clients
* Added Italian translation provided by FirenzeIT
* Added Turkish translation provided by RuyaSavascisi
Farmsim Tim (timmeey86)
This automatically modifies the actual base game trailers, and will be applied to any new or existing trailers on your farm.
Please see the included read-me file for instructions on adding to your own mod trailers or pallets.
* Some QoL changes
* Updated most of the language PRs
* Set horizontal loading default key to INSERT
* Added new messages for “trailer full” vs “item too big”
* Logic change when loading that should prevent bugs like #53
A shader that allows you to convert mods from an old game to a new one.
Since the one, what inside the game does not work. We made our own variation.
1. Create a shaders folder in to your mod folder and drag vehicleShader.xml from a zip archive to this.
2. Open your .i3d file with a any text editor, like notepad++ or vsCode, find and replace all “$data/shaders/vehicleShader.xml” strings to “shaders/vehicleShader.xml”
Below are screenshots of modifications converted using this shader.
Razor modding Team