FS25 mods

FS25 Misc

This category encompasses a diverse collection of mods that don’t neatly fit into other classifications. Discover a world of unexpected enhancements, ranging from decorative items and gameplay tweaks to entirely new features. From functional tools and utilities to purely aesthetic additions, these miscellaneous mods offer endless possibilities to customize and expand your Farming Simulator 25 experience.

Stop Full Combine v 1.1

Stop Full Combine v 1.1

With this script the combine stops when it is full. It is then held for 5 seconds, during that time the brake lights also light up.
When the combine harvester is full and the swath was active, it is briefly switched off and on again so that no straw piles up behind the combine harvester.

You can also activate an automatic discharge pipe control. This can be switched in 5 steps:
– Off
– 70%
– 80%
– 90%
– 100%

The percentages indicate the level at which the discharge pipe is automatically extended.

If the automatic discharge pipe control is active, the discharge pipe retracts automatically when it has been automatically extended and the combine harvester is empty.

Keyboard shortcuts for the automatic discharge pipe control:

Keyboard: [U]
Controllers (X-Box): [LB] + [RB] + [A]

Version 1.1:
* The mod no longer causes log errors on self propelled cotton harvesters
* For the Oxbo MKB-4TR and BP2140e there is now only ‘off’ or ‘100%’ to choose from for the automatic bunker control. It makes little sense if the bunker lifts up before capacity is reached, thus interrupting harvesting


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Additional Field Info v 1.0

Additional Field Info v 1.0 Additional Field Info v 1.0

Display additional info in the field info panel when walking through a field:
– Area of each field in the current land
– Current land area
– Price per ha (per ac) of the cultivated area on land you don’t own
– Potential harvest quantity and yield on ready to harvest fields


Download [87 KB]

Quick Camera v 1.0

Quick Camera v 1.0 Quick Camera v 1.0 Quick Camera v 1.0


With this Quick Camera mod for FS25, you can use keys to make the vehicle camera:
– Peek left/right
– Flip 180° to quickly look behind/forward (incl. separate option to use with ‘Change Direction’)
– Snap 45°/90° left/right
– Zoom in/out quickly


For best usage of this Quick Camera mod, you must delete, remove or unbind any existing keys of the following basegame’s control actions, to avoid overlapping keys for similar actions:
– Look left
– Look right
– Camera zoom in
– Camera zoom out
– Change Direction (only if using same key for Quick Camera’s “Change direction & Flip camera”)
Then also rebind the control action keys for Quick Camera, in case they seem wrong for your style of play.

If you observe problems with this Quick Camera mod’s actions, then please verify that you have followed the instruction above.


Download [95 KB]

Data Dump v 1.0

Data Dump v 1.0 Data Dump v 1.0 Data Dump v 1.0

The main purpose of this mod is to save the global tables, functions, classes and variables from Farming Simulator to well-formed Lua files. Use these files to better understand the Farming Simulator object model through reverse engineering (especially useful until the official documentation is released).

With these global objects as a starting point, you can then use the console command ‘dtSaveTable’ from the mod ‘Developer PowerTools’ to save whole Lua tables (and full table hierarchies) for further analysis.

E.g. if the output of Data Dump contains a global table called ‘g_gui’ you can then execute the console command ‘dtSaveTable g_gui g_gui.lua 10’ to save the g_gui table to a file called g_gui.lua with a max dept of 10 levels.

1. Open the developer console in FS.
2. Type ‘ddDump’ and hit [ENTER]
3. Review the files in the ‘..\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2022\modSettings\FS25_000_DataDump’ folder
4. (optional) Execute ‘ddSaveGlobalTables {maxDepth} {forceDeep}’ – this will automatically export all global “g_*” tables as well as specifically the “g_currentMission” and “g_localPlayer” in deeper table structures (the ddDump command exports a shallow strucutre for performance reasons)
5. (optional) Run ‘dtSaveTable {tableName} {luaFileName} {maxDepth}’ – this will export the specified table {tableName} with {maxDepth} number of levels to the file {luaFileName}


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