FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Cowshed 3+0 v 1.0

Cowshed 3+0 v 1.0

Free-stall barn for 80 cows.
Feeding and adding straw can be done in the middle. Animals can be delivered using the doors at the front of the building.

Category: Animal Pens
Price: $160,000
Monthly upkeep: $300
Configurations: Color selection


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Container Farmhouse v 1.0

Container Farmhouse v 1.0

Container Farmhouse – The perfect small scale farmhouse you can fit pretty much anywhere.
Open style layout with the very basic needs. A chair to sleep in and a clothes line the change your wardrobe.

– Animated Doors
– Light Trigger
– Sleep Trigger
– Wardrobe Trigger

Price: 5000
Daily Upkeep: 0.50
Location: Build Menu > Buildings > Farmhouses


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Wood Chips Sawmill v 1.0

Wood Chips Sawmill v 1.0

The wood chips sawmill give you the possibility to produce boards, planks and wood beam even with wood chips as well as with wood. The package includes the following production points:
Small sawmill (with faster production cycles):
– Category: placeable – productions
– Price: $36000
– Monthly upkeep: $90

– Category: placeable – productions
– Price: $200000
– Monthly upkeep: $200

Sawmill (Wood-Mizer LT15):
– Category: placeable – productions
– Price: $150000
– Monthly upkeep: $200

The new production recipes are:
Input: wood chips (double quantity compared to production with logs).
Output: boards, planks, woodbeam, prefab wall (only in Sawmill placeables).

All sawmills can accept tree logs as input as well, like the default ones.


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