FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Missions Expanded v 1.0

Missions Expanded v 1.0 Missions Expanded v 1.0 Missions Expanded v 1.0

This mod sets a new balance for missions and small fields or under 2500 rewards, additionally you can collect the litter/grass as a bonus when mowing and harvesting and you keep more fill for harvesting orders.
Everything can be optionally set via the Lua itself.


Download [83 KB]

Tip anywhere v 1.0

Tip anywhere v 1.0 Tip anywhere v 1.0 Tip anywhere v 1.0

This mod allows all players to tip and shovel loose fill types anywhere on the map, including on NPC and unowned land.
There are further settings in the general options page that allow bailers, tedders, windrowers, forage wagons and mowers to operate on unowned land.
Optional field work permissions are also applied during contract missions.


Download [78 KB]