FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Boss Snow Plow v 1.0

Boss Snow Plow v 1.0

The Boss Box Plow is versatile, durable snow removal equipment designed for heavy duty snow removal tasks.
With its heavy duty steel construction, it delivers powerful performance for commercial and residential snow removal.
Its adjustable blades allow for customizable width, allowing operators to move wide. effective snow amounts in various conditions can.
Known for its reliability, the Boss Box plow is the first choice for anyone looking to clear driveways, parking lots and streets with ease and precision.
Its design ensures minimal wear and maximum productivity, making it a favorite among snow removal professionals.
Price 16650€.

North Woods Farmer, WMF Modding

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Storage for Beans, Peas and Spinach and more v 1.0

Storage for Beans, Peas and Spinach and more v 1.0

Here you have bulk material storage with three compartments for beans, peas and spinach.
Everything can be dumped in the front of the bunker, open the lid and tip it over.
The peas and beans are removed through the hose you need to use expand beforehand.
The spinach came out via the conveyor belt.
Capacity: 750,000 liters each for peas and beans and 1,000,000 for spinach.
Price: €80,000
Maintenance €40/day

The Walking Farmers Team (HaHner)

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Chicken Coop v 1.0

Chicken Coop v 1.0

Capacity: 500 animals.
Price: 125000 €.
Maintenance 50€/day.
Shop category: Animal husbandry.
This stable has a water tiger installed, you have to bring your water there yourself.
It also has a straw trigger so straw can be sprinkled in (which is unfortunately only for decoration, since the original Giants chickens don’t use straw).

The Walking Farmers Team (HaHner)

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