The Hemp Production system is a comprehensive system designed around the growing and production of hemp and hemp related products.
1. Green House – Input: Water & Fertilizer.
Output: Hemp, Hemp Seeds & Hemp Fiber.
Note: 2 versions of the green house are included. One has open productions, the other has shared productions. The shared version has 3 levels of output for each item, slow, normal and fast, allowing you to tailor the system to your play style.
2. Hemp Factory – Input: Hemp, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Fiber, Water, Bottled Goat Milk, Flour, Honey & Oats.
Output: Hemp Oil, Hemp Fabric, Hemp Paper, Hemp Rope, Hemp Twine, Hemp Chocolate & Hemp Seed Cereal
3. Bakery – Input: Hemp, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Chocolate, Flour, Oats, Honey, Bottled Goat Milk, Water & Strawberries.
Output: Hemp Seed Bread, Cookies, Brownies & Gummy Bears.
4. Tailor – Input: Hemp Cloth.
Output: Hemp Clothes
5. Rope Factory – Input: Hemp Fiber.
Output: Hemp Rope & Hemp Twine.
All items are sellable through the normal outlets.
* Added 2 levels of output per item to the shared production green house. Now you can tailor the system to your play style
* Added missing foliage to the green house seed and fiber productions