FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

John Deere 8R 2016 v 2.0

John Deere 8R 2016 v 2.0

– John Deere 8R manufacturing year: 2016
– Max speed: 50 kph
– Price: 250000 (depending on configuration)
– Power: 245 – 400 HP
– Compatible with ground deformation system
– The hood lights are not showing on the hood
– The turn signals are working
– The front working lights are working
– The back working lights are working
– The beams are working
– The front/back hydraulics fully compatible with any tool

Version 2.0:
* Fixed/added AI Worker
* Added collisions
* Front lights can be visually seen on the hood
* Removed unnecessary configurations for better performance
* GPS texture added
* Rim color changed
* John Deere back window banner removed
* Price lowered


Download [33 MB]

US Flatlands 4x Map v 2.9

US Flatlands 4x Map v 2.9 US Flatlands 4x Map v 2.9 US Flatlands 4x Map v 2.9

Here is a fairly basic US style 4x Flatlands map.

– 200 Fields of varying sizes
– Ideal for field farmers
– There are selling points and production points to get you going

Version 2.9:
* Meadow is back
* Added some more products
* Image warnings should be gone
* Replaced a few buildings
* Generally tidied up fields


Download [1.2 GB]