FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Grain Storage with Hen House v 1.0

Grain Storage with Hen House v 1.0 Grain Storage with Hen House v 1.0

A model inspired by a real building. It is a combination of a grain warehouse, a garage and a small hen house.
The building is available for purchase in the Animals -> HENS tab

I recommend turning on the interactive zone markers to see where the triggers responsible for changing the texture (plaster or brick) on the back and side walls are located.

-Price: 80.000 $
-Maintenance cost: 50 $ per day
-Barn capacity: 50 chickens.


Download [54 MB]

Hobo Farmhouse Pack v 1.0

Hobo Farmhouse Pack v 1.0

Tiny house as farm house for poor farmers.
Did you spend all your money for equipment and farmland, and there is nothing left for a farm house?
Then you need this Hobo Farmhouse Pack.
Here you can find accommodation options like a simple bench, a doormat, a tent and a tiny house.
The walkable tiny house costs only $1,000 and offers all kind of amenities and even a murphybed.

Category: Farmhouses
Price: $1,000
Configurations: Color selection

Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50

Sleep Bench
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50

Sleep Doormat
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $5


Download [6 MB]