FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Farmhouse Pack v 1.0

Farmhouse Pack v 1.0 Farmhouse Pack v 1.0

Old farmhouse package with 3 farmhouses.

Farmhouse01 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50

Farmhouse02 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50

Farmhouse03 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50

They’re all only visuals, not enterable.
Because they’re old, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the upkeep.


Download [14 MB]

Maytree v 1.0

Maytree v 1.0 Maytree v 1.0 Maytree v 1.0

Expand your world with a traditional maypole! This mod brings festive vibes to your farm or village, perfect for seasonal decorations or simply to make your map feel more lively.
The maypole is traditionally erected on May 1st in Bavaria and other regions as part of a long standing custom.
Bring a piece of tradition and local charm to Farming Simulator 25 with this mod! Perfect for anyone who loves rural life.
Price: 300$
Daily upkeep: 5$

Andi Modding

Download [5 MB]

Harvest Profit v 1.0

Harvest Profit v 1.0 Harvest Profit v 1.0 Harvest Profit v 1.0 Harvest Profit v 1.0

With this mod you will receive a higher price for your crops.

If you are used to playing with productions, you will have noticed that the price balance between
products and crops is not always well adjusted. If you enjoy harvesting and dedicating your time and
take care of your fields, but you think you are missing out on the benefits of the
productions, this mod will help you balance things out a bit more.

You will receive more for your crops of the basic grains in any difficulty mode, and the rest of
manufactured products will remain the same. You decide whether to cultivate, fertilize, sow, apply herbicide,
refertilizing, harvesting and transporting your crops is worth as much or more than the resulting products
of its processing.

Using wheat just to make flour will no longer be as beneficial, but it is still necessary to make bread
that it is. Dedicate part of your harvests to generate elaborated products and part to sell them and
get a fair price. Diversify and you will get better profit and satisfaction.

Raster R3 Modding

Download [64 KB]