FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Stop Full Combine v 1.1

Stop Full Combine v 1.1

With this script the combine stops when it is full. It is then held for 5 seconds, during that time the brake lights also light up.
When the combine harvester is full and the swath was active, it is briefly switched off and on again so that no straw piles up behind the combine harvester.

You can also activate an automatic discharge pipe control. This can be switched in 5 steps:
– Off
– 70%
– 80%
– 90%
– 100%

The percentages indicate the level at which the discharge pipe is automatically extended.

If the automatic discharge pipe control is active, the discharge pipe retracts automatically when it has been automatically extended and the combine harvester is empty.

Keyboard shortcuts for the automatic discharge pipe control:

Keyboard: [U]
Controllers (X-Box): [LB] + [RB] + [A]

Version 1.1:
* The mod no longer causes log errors on self propelled cotton harvesters
* For the Oxbo MKB-4TR and BP2140e there is now only ‘off’ or ‘100%’ to choose from for the automatic bunker control. It makes little sense if the bunker lifts up before capacity is reached, thus interrupting harvesting


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Bale Autoload Trailers Pack v 1.0

Bale Autoload Trailers Pack v 1.0 Bale Autoload Trailers Pack v 1.0 Bale Autoload Trailers Pack v 1.0 Bale Autoload Trailers Pack v 1.0 Bale Autoload Trailers Pack v 1.0

The Bale Autoload Pack includes:
Kroeger PWO 24 Bale Autoload
Category: Baleloaders, Trailersflatbed
Price: from $25,500

* Standard or bale autoload configuration
* Autoload for
– round bales (125cm: 26 bales, 150cm: 22 bales, 180cm: 18 bales, cotton: 4 bales)
– square bales (180cm: 30 bales, 220cm & 240cm: 24 bales, Cotton: 2 bales)
* 3 body designs to choose from
* each side of the body can be opened separately or both sides at the same time (“U” key to select the loading side, “Y” key to open/close)
* unloading assistant can be activated (“O” key)
* Color choice for trailer & rims
* Tire choice (Continental, Trelleborg, BKT, Vredestein)
* New rear lights with reverse lights
* Configurable beacons (none, left, right, left & right)

Farmtech DPW 1800 Bale Autoload
Price: from $ 20.500
Category: Baleloaders, Trailersflatbed

* Configuration: Standard or Bales Autoload
* Configuration: Extension
* Autoload for
– round bales (125cm: 28 bales, 150cm: 24 bales, 180cm: 20 bales, cotton: 4 bales)
– square bales (120cm: 280 bales, 180cm: 30 bales, 220cm & 240cm: 24 bales, Cotton: 2 bales)
* Rim color option
* Choice of tyres (Continental, Trelleborg, BKT, Vredestein)
* Beacon configurable
* New rear lights with reverse lights

Farmtech DDK 2400 Bale Autoload
Price: from $ 30.500
Category: Trailers, Baleloaders, Trailersflatbed

* Configuration: Bales, Bales Autoload, 14000m³, 18000m³
* Autoload for
– round bales (125cm: 22 bales, 150cm: 18 bales, 180cm: 14 bales, cotton: 3 bales)
– square bales (120cm: 180 bales, 180cm: 24 bales, 220cm & 240cm: 18 bales, Cotton: 1 bale)
* Rim color option
* Choice of tyres (Continental, Trelleborg, BKT, Vredestein)
* Beacon configurable
* New rear lights with reverse lights

Farmtech EDK 650 Bale Autoload
Price: from $ 600
Category: Trailers, Baleloaders, Trailersflatbed

* Configuration: Bales, Bales Autoload, 4000m³, 8000m³
* Autoload for
– round bales (125cm: 10 bales, 150cm & 180cm: 6 bales)
– square bales (120cm: 100 bales, 180cm: 12 bales, 220cm & 240cm: 9 bales)
* Rim color option

How the bale autoload works:

1. Bring the trailer into the working position with “B”, the bales can now be collected.
– In the “EASY” working mode, the trailer collects bales that are up to 4 metres away from the trailer independently.
– In “PRO” working mode, the bales must be placed on the trailer in order to be collected by the autoload.
The working mode can be changed at any time by pressing “Ctrl”+”Z”.

2. After collecting, move the trailer to the transport position with “B”.

3. Start the unloading mode for unloading with “Z”.
– Unloading can only be carried out on the trailer without an unloading assistant. The bales can then be removed from the trailer manually, e.g. with a front loader.
– By activating the unloading assistant “O”, the bales can be moved in all directions and rotated on all axles.
Select the unloading location and unload the bales with “Z”.
After unloading, end the unloading process with “Z”.
The unloading process can be cancelled with “X”.

Bale autoload only works if this is configured in the shop.

[Weekend Farmers] Amarok-10

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Lizard KM180 4+1+1 v 1.0

Lizard KM180 4+1+1 v 1.0

The KM 180 plough is a proposal aimed at medium and large farms.
The plough has bolt protection. The machine is equipped with a system allowing the working width to be changed at any time.
The plough has 4 bodies as standard, but 2 additional bodies can be added.

*Choosing the number of plough bodies (4;5;6)
*Changing working width (Left mouse button)
*Colour configuration
*Lift ball configuration (with or without)

[4 bodies]
-Price: 11,000 $
-Working width: 2.10m
-Power requirement: 130hp
-Mass: 1450kg

[5 bodies]
-Price: 14,500 $
-Working width: 2.60m
-Power requirement: 160hp
-Mass: 1700kg

[6 bodies]
-Price: 18,000 $
-Working width: 3.10m
-Power requirement: 190hp
-Mass: 1950kg


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