FS25 Tractors
Farming Simulator 25 tractors are an essential part of the game, allowing players to perform a wide range of tasks such as plowing, planting, and harvesting crops. The game comes with a variety of default tractors, but players can also add new tractors through mods. Tractor mods can add new models of tractors to the game, some of which have more advanced features than the default tractors. For example, some tractor mods may have more horsepower, or be more efficient at certain tasks. Additionally, tractor mods can add new brands, colors, and designs, providing more options for players to choose from.

Case IH Puma CVX 160 & 200-230
Category: Medium Tractors
Wheel configurations
Tire configurations
Animated doors, windows
Puma 160:
price: 68,000€
max. speed: 53km/h
Puma 200:
Price: 178,000€
max. speed: 53km/h
* Fixed AI worker and GPS function

– Price: €215,500
– Choice of color
– Increased repair interval
– Had the engine tuned a bit, increased the weight, adjusted the interior a bit, adjusted the on-board computer

Animations via mouse control:
Mouse button left: left and right = open and close the rear window
Mouse button left: up and down = open and close the front window
Mouse button left and right: left and right = open and close the left door
Mouse button left and right: up and down = open and close the right door
Mouse wheel pressed + left and right = open and close the roof hatch
– The front fenders can be assembled and disassembled in the shop (0€)
– Beacon lights: none, left, left and right in 2 versions
– Front PTO yes or no
– Front loader Quicke or Hauer or none
* Fixed the conflict with the front loader and MC of the windows, new assignment for this (frontloader can be used normally)
* Mouse wheel pressed left and right = right door open and close
* Mouse wheel pressed up and down = left door open and close
* Mouse button left + right left and right = front window open and close
* Mouse button left + right up and down = rear window open and closed
* Roof hatch will be omitted until further notice until the IC control is available
* Error in Store_Favorite500 (BC7) has been fixed
* Missing detail shader on the battery and tank cap has been fixed, battery has received a decal

Price: €83,000
Power: 99-117hp
Max speed: 40 km/h
Starlexs, Leo630

Motor configurations: 6460, 6475, 6480
Wheels configurations
Front fenders configurations
BeaconLights configurations
Modefication configurations (Tier 2 or Tier 3)
LightBar Configurations
Antennas configurations
RearWindows tint configuration
Front loader configurations
Front attacher configurations
Rims color configurations
Passenger support
Main color configurations
Starlexs, Spoiler-MaN, AMG Gaming