FS25 mods

Farming Simulator 25 mods

Farming Simulator 25 is the ultimate farming experience for gamers. On our website, you'll find the best free mods to enhance your gaming experience and bring new life to your farm. From tractors to trailers, we've got it all. Our FS25 mods are carefully selected and tested to ensure they work seamlessly with the game, providing a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or new to the game, our website has something for everyone. Download now and take your farming to the next level.

Hobo Farmhouse Pack v 1.0

Hobo Farmhouse Pack v 1.0

Tiny house as farm house for poor farmers.
Did you spend all your money for equipment and farmland, and there is nothing left for a farm house?
Then you need this Hobo Farmhouse Pack.
Here you can find accommodation options like a simple bench, a doormat, a tent and a tiny house.
The walkable tiny house costs only $1,000 and offers all kind of amenities and even a murphybed.

Category: Farmhouses
Price: $1,000
Configurations: Color selection

Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50

Sleep Bench
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50

Sleep Doormat
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $5


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Icecream Factory v 1.0

Icecream Factory v 1.0

Domenico and his apprentice make chocolate chili and strawberry ice cream in this factory “Il Schlecko”.

Category: Production Sites
Price: $200,000
Daily upkeep: $0
Production Recipe:
0 elect charge > 27 water
63 strawbeery + 25 water + 13 honey > 100 strawberry icecream
50 choclate + 3 Chili peppers + 75 milk + 10 eggs + 15 sugar > 100 choclate icecream


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