FS25 mods

Farming Simulator 25 mods

Farming Simulator 25 is the ultimate farming experience for gamers. On our website, you'll find the best free mods to enhance your gaming experience and bring new life to your farm. From tractors to trailers, we've got it all. Our FS25 mods are carefully selected and tested to ensure they work seamlessly with the game, providing a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or new to the game, our website has something for everyone. Download now and take your farming to the next level.

Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3

Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3 Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3 Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3 Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3 Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3 Realistic RayTracing Reshade Preset v 3.3

This is a Reshade Preset that makes the Game look way more realistic.
It was made by combining the best Aspects of other presets found and tweaked it to perfection.

How to use Reshader:
– Just extract the file and put it in the x64 folder of your game where all of your other preset are aswell: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 25\x64
– Use Reshade 6.3.3

Version 3.3:
* Updated Store Page
* Updated Mod Files


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Juotca Flat 16X Map v 1.2

Juotca Flat 16X Map v 1.2

Version 1.2:
* Retained Features
* All factories and buildings from version 1.0 remain intact
* Bug fixes
* Fixed farmland alignment for Fields 16 and 17
* Relocated the rice field to Field 50
* Resolved issues with selling the doghouse, water/pond visibility on PDA, and the dairy plant
* Increased empty speed for JC Edit vehicles (harvesters and semi-trailers)
* New Additions
* Enlarged pond size
* Removed one water pumping station for space
* Added a shed over the water storage tank

Juotca (Calvince Juma)

Download [1.7 GB]

Contract Boost v

Contract Boost v Contract Boost v Contract Boost v Contract Boost v

Boost your contracts by making more money, and allowing collection of the spoils!

– 50% more profit from every contract
– 10 max contracts
– 5 max contracts per type
– 50 total contracts available
– Borrowed contract equipment comes with free fieldwork items to fill your tools
– Allow using swathing equipment on harvest missions
– Allow collecting straw from harvest missionss
– Allow collecting grass from mowing missions
– Allow collecting stones from plow, cultivate, and sowing missions

All of the above settings can be modified via an XML settings file at FarmingSimulator2025/modSettings/ContractBoost.xml

* Fixed preferStrawHarvestMissions adjusting the logic to prevent straw baling contracts from being created on harvest ready fields, indirectly allowing those fields to be available for harvesting contracts. This setting also prevents straw baling contracts from being created on “greenBig” field (one state before harvest ready), which the game allows for some odd reason. Having this setting on will still allow grass baling missions, and will still allow straw baling missions on harvested fields (which is a base game “feature”)
* Fixes #68
* Added windrowers to Bale Contracts, allowing the player to re-windrow the field before baling. This should allow baling missions to be easily done by workers by windrowing first, then matching the settings from the used windrower to the baler


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Riverbend Timbers 4X Map v

Riverbend Timbers 4X Map v

Riverbend Timbers 4x is ready for the first phase of testing.
There going to be some vehicles around the expansion areas that need to be moved, but should not interfere with gameplay.

* Fixed Parked Vehicles and touched up grass around houses
* Added more train cars and upped the capacity
* Fixed Farmland in center area so can pick up pay in stream and all land is purchasable
* Lowered farmland pricing
* Added some trees along roads
* Updated PDA
* Fixed underground coal mine so can dig material

Realistic Gaming Crew

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