FS25 mods

Farming Simulator 25 mods

Farming Simulator 25 is the ultimate farming experience for gamers. On our website, you'll find the best free mods to enhance your gaming experience and bring new life to your farm. From tractors to trailers, we've got it all. Our FS25 mods are carefully selected and tested to ensure they work seamlessly with the game, providing a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or new to the game, our website has something for everyone. Download now and take your farming to the next level.

Natural Water Plants v 1.0

Natural Water Plants v 1.0 Natural Water Plants v 1.0 Natural Water Plants v 1.0 Natural Water Plants v 1.0

Your waters are a bit boring for you and you want a bit more variety in them? How about some fresh and fast growing waterplants? Soon it will be full of life. Just wait and see.

You can find the waterplants in the construction menu -> landscaping -> plants.

Included waterplants:
– Reed Mix without water lilies (with and without frog croaks), price: 200 $
– Reed Mix with water lilies, price: 200 $
– Watergrass, price: 75 $

– Fully compatible with the Natural Water Rivers And Ponds Pack from version:
– Please place the plants directly on the water. Without water, the plants will otherwise sink into the ground.
– Replace the plants when you change the water plane. This way you avoid that the plants are below the water surface.
– To sell the Reed Mix, click on the frogs in spring and summer or the colorful leaves in autumn and winter.
– To sell Sets or Watergrass, click on the attached lily pads.
– Did you know that duckweed hibernates at the bottom of the water? No? Then please don’t be surprised if in winter the duckweeds suddenly disappear. They are ‘hibernating’.

LMoonlight [MA]

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Ground Water Pump v 1.0

Ground Water Pump v 1.0

Pump to extract water from an underground aquifer.
You can distribute the water to your greenhouses and other production sites that need it, and refill your tanks to take it wherever you want.

Price: $3000
Daily maintenance: $5
Water extraction: 10000 l/h

Instructions for use:
– Place the pump in the desired location.
– Activate the extraction (production) of water.
– Select the “Distributing” output mode and wait for the water to reach its destination.

– It takes a while for the water to reach its destination (maybe more than an hour), don’t worry, just wait.
– If the pump extracts more water than you need, it will eventually fill up, in that case deactivate the extraction to avoid unnecessary costs.


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Decorative Objects Pack v 1.0

Decorative Objects Pack v 1.0 Decorative Objects Pack v 1.0 Decorative Objects Pack v 1.0 Decorative Objects Pack v 1.0 Decorative Objects Pack v 1.0

This mod contains a collection of more than 160 placeable decorative objects from a wide range of themes.
You can place the decorative objects freely and use them to decorate your farm and yard areas.
Tip: Use the free mode for more freedom in placement (Default key “V”).
If you no longer like an object, you can simply sell it again.
Decorative Object Price 50$.


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Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.1

Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.1 Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.1 Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.1 Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.1

– 3 farms pre-built on the map
– You must own the land before you can use or sell the buildings
– The terrain on the map is mostly flat with some rolling hills, valleys, and ditches
– Custom sugar beet piler factory for added realism with sugar beet harvesting
– When owned by player, the piler will give you tare dirt
– Take dirt back to field and dump
– Dirt piles can be leveled and will disappear when using any field working implements
– If not owned by player it will be a sell point without tare dirt
– Number of purchasable fields: 42
– Average acre size: 16.48
– Number of purchasable forestry land: 7
– Water retrieval sources: Build your own
– Alfalfa crop added and implemented with the animals

Version 1.1:
* Fixed missing Collisions
* Fixed Meadow Grass with animal pens
* Changed alfalfa bale textures
* Increased yield for alfalfa slightly


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