FS25 mods

Author: admin

Old Grain Mills v 1.0

Old Grain Mills v 1.0

Old mills where you can turn your grain into flour, oilseeds into oil.

The mill has:

Old Grain Mill
Category: Production Sites
Price: $23,000
Daily upkeep: 25

Old American Grain Mill
Category: Production Sites
Price: $20,000
Daily upkeep: 25

Old Polish Grain Mill
Category: Production Sites
Price: $27,000
Daily upkeep: 25


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Unload Zones Pack v 1.0

Unload Zones Pack v 1.0

Pack of unloading areas, for those factories that do not include it, so you will have a place to unload if you remove the help icons or you simply do not like to unload on the ground. Category: Placeables, Decoration.

– Unload Zone without Cover Old: $ 1150
– Unload Zone without Covere: $ 1500
– Old Small Uncovered Unloading Area: $ 490
– Small Uncovered Unloading Area: $ 850


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