Price: 60000
Performance: 180PS
First make a copy of your Securite file. Then take the “Grass” XML file and slip it into it.
First, Make a Copy of Your Security Folder. Then, Take the XML File “Grass” and Drag It Inside.
D: / Steamlibrary / Steamapps / Common / Farming Simulator 25 / Data / Foliage / Grass
Price: 43.000 (depending on configurations)
Power: 102-118HP
Max speed : 40 KPH
Configurations for wheels, weight, frontloader, fender, beacon, accesories and more
The lights are functional
Compatible with Ground Deformation System
Compatible with AI Worker/GPS
Andrey1, d4wid33k
– Forest and field plots can be bought separately
– All fields contain a small amount of forest
– 43 meadows with a total area of 92 ha
– 52 forest areas with a total area of 404 ha and approx 44k trees (You cannot plant new trees even though the limit has not been reached)
– Start farm with cow and chicken coop as well as enough vehicles
– Sales stations and some productions
– Wood and stone missions exist, but currently only a few
– All buildings, decorations and productions can be sold in their entirety
– The splines are laid correctly, however, so that all roads are recognized by the helper AI
* Added collectibles (50×5000)
* Fixed background warning
* Replaced farmhouse
* Added buildings as dependencies
* Fixed pond
* Added traffic
* Increased probability and duration of rain in spring and autumn