FS25 mods

FS25 Farming Simulator 25 mods

Sauter Tractor Triangle v

Sauter Tractor Triangle v

In contrast to the conventional tractor triangle, the Sauter tractor triangle is characterized by its somewhat wider design, which is not suitable for every mounting frame. The triangle also serves as a decorative object for the tractor.

– Category: Misc
– Weight: 250 kg
– Price: 350 $

* Color configuration fixed

Agrar Design Austria

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Frech Dachs 4x Map v 1.1

Frech Dachs 4x Map v 1.1 Frech Dachs 4x Map v 1.1 Frech Dachs 4x Map v 1.1 Frech Dachs 4x Map v 1.1

– 200 fields including 18 meadows
– 27 forest areas with approx. 38424 trees
– 5 open spaces for building
– A small starting farm is located on open space 230
– 18 sales outlets
– 7 purchase points
– Free water at Raiffeisen, Landhandel and at the animal trade
– 22x paintable ground texture added
– The 5 open spaces invite you to build on them
– A little earthwork is necessary here
– No purchasable production is installed on the map
– However, productions can be placed freely by anyone
– Meadow was used for the decoration
– This can be painted in the building menu itself and displayed on the map (PDA)

Version 1.1:
* 28x paintable floor textures added
* Lidl car customized
* Installed snow mask on the street
* Slurry/manure shop installed
* Raiffeisen manure sale fixed
* Road collision removed
* Road marker installed
* Collectibles installed
* 1MW BGA installed


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Farmhouse Pack Volume 3 v 1.1

Farmhouse Pack Volume 3 v 1.1 Farmhouse Pack Volume 3 v 1.1 Farmhouse Pack Volume 3 v 1.1 Farmhouse Pack Volume 3 v 1.1

Old farmhouse package with 3 farmhouses in different texture variations and two sheds.

Farmhouse01 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50

Farmhouse02 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50

Farmhouse03 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50

Brickshed1 is old style
Category: sheds
Price: $15.000
Monthly upkeep: $20

Brickshed2 is old style
Category: sheds
Price: $15.000
Monthly upkeep: $20

They’re all only visuals, not enterable.
Because they’re old, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the upkeep.

Version 1.1:
* Added deco props to houses
* Added two new sheds
* Added texture variations


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Multi Grain Production v

Multi Grain Production v

A multi use production for making flour,and bread. All base game recipes for flour and bread with four
new products, whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread, corn flower, and corn tortilla. I aslo included a selling station for the
new items.
Category: Productions
Price: $55,000
Production Recipes:

Flour recipes
20 Wheat to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour
15 Oats to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour
15 Rice to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour

Bread recipes
25 Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour
25 Rice Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour

New item recipes

Whole Wheat Flour recipe
20 Wheat to 20 Whole Wheat Flour with 100 cycles per hour

Corn Flour recipe
20 Corn to 20 Corn Flour with 100 cycles per hour

Whole Wheat Bread recipe
25 Corn Flour to 20 Whole Wheat Bread with 50 cycles per hour

Corn Tortilla recipe
25 Corn Flour to 20 Corn Tortilla with 50 cycles per hour

* Added Rice Cakes recipe
* Added a blocking system for the pallet spawning location keeping pallets from spawning until you are ready for them (switch on front side of building)
* Increased opening/closing speed of doors
* Made pallets liftable
* Changed the whole wheat bread pallet
* You can now sell everything with a sell price in base game plus all of my new products at the new sell point
* Changed the name of the sell point from Multi Sell Station to The Little Market
* Changed the price of the whole wheat and corn flour as it was a little too high
* Can no longer deliver contracts as it was causing issues with some players


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